Sunday, September 6, 2015

My first post: what can I expect from this blog?


Welcome to my new blog and also my first post! My name is Roan Bester, I work for a company called Dynamic Visual Technologies (DVT) doing lots of different software development projects.

I'm starting a blog that looks at coding and software development differently. Differently in the sense that it will include stuff that's hard to find by Googling it, making sense of sometimes hard-to-read Wikis and generally de-mystifying programming.

What you can expect

I've been busy doing projects in IBM Websphere (WAS. Portal), and as many of you know it's hard to find a good post or blog that can help you to get the best out of a licensed product. So, my aim will be to share some tips, tricks and my experiences in this regard, sprinkled with more 'general' programming posts.

Tech you can expect to find here

I do a pretty broad range of development so you can expect some exciting articles!
  1. IBM Websphere Application Server
  2. IBM Websphere Portal 8.x
  3. General Java and JEE (5+)
  4. HTML, CSS
  5. Javascript including AngularJS, NodeJS and more.

What not to expect

There are a lot of very smart people blogging and writing articles on specific topics, for example Java 8 features, that I won't necessarily go into in detail. Same goes for deep AngularJS or deep NodeJS as I'm not a specialist in these areas.

I will, however, be sure to reference the good stuff when needed.

So what's next?

Please bear with me as I write my first 'real' blog entry: Make a JSR 286 Portlet work with AngularJS in WS Portal.

I hope to add value to your life soon!

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