Friday, September 25, 2015

Making a success of microservices

I've been reading quite a lot on microservices architecture, especially the team and organisational culture required for this approach to be a success. More specifically, I found it just as interesting to see when NOT to use this approach, than when it's appropriate. 

So without further ado, let's run through some findings and thoughts, followed up by reading material for your perusal.

Essential rules of thumb

In order for you, your team and your organisation to even think about, let alone succeed, with microservices, think about the following.

  1. Know when it's appropriate to apply it: microservices architecture isn't a one-size-fits-all solution and can actually hurt you, if you don't apply it with eyes wide open. Sometimes monoliths are quite appropriate;
  2. Know your team culture: your team need to be willing to do what it takes, and be patient. Microservices architecture ride heavily on team maturity, tooling and techniques to be able to deliver it effectively;
  3. Know your organisational culture: Conway's Law states "organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations". Essentially, your organisation's structure and culture should be able to, or willing to, give autonomy to teams and have less governance. The more red tape, the less likely microservices are to succeed; 
  4. Be willing to trial-and-error, and grow into it rather than big-bang: companies like Google, Amazon and more didn't start off with microservices as an architectural approach; they all started with a monolithic approach and grew into it, to solve real architectural and business challenges. 

Tips on your road to success

To get you on your way, here are some tips and tricks gathered from the experts (see the list at the bottom). 

Make sure it's a fit for your project(s)

Before you apply this architectural style to a project, make sure:
  • you're not applying it because it's the latest cool kid on the block. Sometimes a monolithic approach is a perfectly good solution.
  • it will meet your client's needs in terms of performance, functionality and effort required;
  • you have a real customer problem or business case that is hard to solve in a monolith, and apply microservices architecture there.

Team and culture

Your team must be willing to own a product (one or more microservices) top-to-bottom and be mature enough to be able to do the following.
  • Decide on the technology to use with little or no governance, and be autonomous as far as possible;
  • Have cross-cutting skills in the team, so the team can address from the database right through to the UI if need be;
  • Your team should either be willing to, be moving towards, or already be doing Continuous Deployment. Microservices imply you're going to have lots of them, so you really need to be efficient with how you develop, test and deploy them;
  • The team must be held (and want to be held) accountable for that product and own it right up to production support (DevOps).

Deploy, Refactor, Reuse Recycle

Microservices need to be boxed (see Domain Driven Design's bounded context) and simple to reason about.
  1. You must be willing to retire, add and modify them separately and often. This means you need to be on top of your versioning game;
  2. Reuse other teams' microservices before you build your own. This means strong collaboration between teams;
  3. Use Domain Driven Design, paying special attention to the Bounded Context principle, where appropriate, to make sure your microservices don't end up being semi-monoliths.

So, when does it make sense to use microservices as an architectural approach?

I found some tips from Adrian Trenman (Gilt) very informative. Use microservices as an architectural approach when
  1. you can isolate a piece of domain functionality that a single service can “own”;
  2. the service can fully own read and write access to its own data store;
  3. multiple teams are contributing to a monolithic system but keep on stepping on each other’s toes;
  4. you want to implement continuous deployment;
  5. you favor an emergent architecture rather than atop-down design.


The take-home from this article, if  you remember nothing else, is that you need to be mature as a team before embarking on the microservices journey. It requires trust from your team and organisation for it to be successful.
In addition, you also need to understand that it is a tool in the toolbox of architectures, and not a magic bullet. 
Lastly, don't rush it. Be OK with trial-and-error and make sure your organisation understands that.


Thank you to the following resources and contributors to those resources. I highly recommend you read up on these articles if you want to know more.

 InfoQ microservices architecture e-book where most of my info comes from. People like Eric Evans, Martin Fowler and Randy Shoup (plus some others from Gilt) were contributors.

From monolyth to microservices by Randy Shoup (slideshare).

InfoWorld's article on how to succeed with microservices.

SmartBear's article on what is microservices architecture.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to JUnit test post-login code in Websphere Application Server 7+

Quite recently I wrote a WAS 7 utility that needed to access the JEE security Subject (read more on JEE Security) and its private credentials. The project, an auditing tool, accesses the Subject via IBM's WSSubject feature and uses some of its methods.

While trying to unit test it I ran into several problems, especially around trying to mock container-provided classes like Subject or LoginModules, and especially getting WSSubject to work.

Solving post-login unit test nightmares

When dealing with container-provided services like JAAS and the security model it can be very hard to write unit tests that exercise the code out-of-container, aka automated-build-tool-friendly tests. You can most probably start up an embedded container, but even so, setting up security to the point where it will populate your Subject can be tricky.

After a lot of research and trial-and-error, I created a test utility that allows you to:
  1. Let WSSubject return correct values for getRunAsSubject(), getCallerSubject() and getCallerPrincipal();
  2. Allow a unit test to add test private credentials to the Subject before testing a code unit that uses it;
  3. Allow a unit test to add a custom LoginModule and/or test custom LoginModules without the need of a container (not even a lightweight one);
  4. Allow the whole lot to run nicely from e.g. Jenkins in an automated build process.

Get to the code already

The samples contain 3x java classes:
  • A LoggedinTestContext with helpers to facilitate the login in out-of-container unit testing scenarios;
  • A MockLoginModule to show how to test JAAS Modules and/or add stuff to a Subject;
  • Sample unit test (LoggedinSubjectTest) to illustrate the LoggedinTestContext's usage and what it can provide.
The example code is not a full project as it depends on your own setup and is specific to your IBM WAS installation. The test data is also samples added as private credentials, but you can add anything your unit of code requires out of the Subject.

Dependencies needed

The code samples require you to (either in maven dependencies or elsewhere) have the following libraries available.

 WAS (7+) dependencies

All the jars below are relative to your WAS install root (e.g. IBM/Websphere/AppServer).
  • /lib/bootstrap.jar
  • /plugins/
  • /runtimes/<version>.jar
  • /lib/j2ee.jar
  • /plugins/
  • /plugins/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar
  • /plugins/org.eclipse.emf.common.jar
  • /java/jre/lib/ibmcfw.jar
Where  <version> is your WAS version, e.g. 7.

JUnit dependencies

For the rest of the dependencies, the test code sample uses normal junit dependencies (junit mockito etc).


I've added comments in the code so you should be able to follow along. I included the Gist listing in the blog, but you can it also get it from here.

Happy hunting!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Make a JSR 286 Portlet work with AngularJS in WS Portal

In an ideal world, you would create a web application (an angularjs app for example) that connects to some REST services written by either yourself or some other team. No need to worry about other UIs rendering right next to you (*cough* Portal *cough*).

Portlet developers, however, have interesting challenges not often encountered by most web and java application developers. We know we can use JSP, JSF or some other server-side framework quite easily out of the box; we also know we can add some javascript (not a lot though :)). Things get more hairy if you're running EJBs or other non-REST services, need to have a responsive (async) ui and all the modern bells-and-whistles while still playing nicely with other portlets on the page.

In this article I'm going to demonstrate how to create a simple portlet, add angularJS, and make an ajax call to post some JSON to our portlet. We will therefore use our portlet as a simple REST-like service so we can call in to our backend.


AngularJS needs no introduction, but if you're new to it have a look at the site. It allows you to create some really cool single-page applications (SPAs) but can definitely also be used instead of JSF or custom-rolled js to build your portlet UI.

IBM Websphere Portal Script Portlets

A note on IBM Websphere Portal script portlets: script portlets essentially wraps your javascript in a portlet. This is relatively new, so please have a look here if you're interested.

Sample project ws-angular-portlet

I have created an example portlet WAR you can clone in github from here. Please have a look, as I'm going to use snippets from there to illustrate the key points. You can also use it as a starting point for your portlet application.

Note that the sample project does not contain the maven repositories needed to get the artifacts listed; this is because of the proprietary nature of Websphere Portal. Please add your own repos in the pom.xml.

Let's dig in

Make sure you've either copied the sample code, or have your project/portlet open with a javax.portlet.GenericPortlet and the relevant portlet.xml.

Handle Requests and Responses in the Portlet

 private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();  
       * Simply forward to the JSP to bootstrap angularjs.  
      protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {            
           PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletConfig().getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/jsp/AngularPortlet.jsp");  
           dispatcher.forward(request, response);  
       * Receives a JSON String (jsondata) that gets parsed into a codingglass.portlet.Request object.  
       * For illustration, this method then 'echoes' the request information in a codingglass.portlet.Response object as JSON.  
      public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {  
           Request fromJson = objectMapper.readValue(request.getParameter("jsondata"), Request.class);  
           Response responseToClient = new Response("OK", "Call OK for ID " + fromJson.getId() + " with data " + fromJson.getData());            
           objectMapper.writeValue(response.getPortletOutputStream(), responseToClient);            

  1. In the doView, point to the jsp that will bootstrap your angular (code to follow);
  2. Override the serveResource() method in the portlet to handle ajax calls.
  3. For the incoming request, mapped to our custom parameter 'jsondata', parse it into a java object (Request.class in this case) using Jackson.
  4. Create the Response object, passed via Jackson to the response outputStream as JSON.

Create the JSP

Create the portlet JSP (as referenced from your portlet class) as follows.

 <%@ page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8" language="java"%>  
 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>  
 <%@ taglib prefix="portlet" uri=""%>  
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/resources/css/app.css">   
 <!-- html container for your angularjs application. This container will be manually bootstrapped, as ng-app does not work for > 1 app  
 on a page  
 <div id="<portlet:namespace/>angularjsApp">  
 <h1>Example AngularJS app</h1>  
 <!-- Create portlet/Portal constants (urls etc) to be used in the angular app via injection. -->  
 <c:set var="angularPortlet" scope="request">  
   <portlet:namespace />Portlet  
 <script type="text/javascript">  
      var ${angularPortlet} = (function() {  
                var portal = {};  
                portal.portletName = "${portletName}";  
                portal.portletNamespace = "<portlet:namespace/>";  
                portal.resourceURL = "<portlet:resourceURL/>";                 
                portal.contextPath = "<c:url value='/'/>";                 
                return portal;  
 <script src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/resources/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>  
 <script src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/resources/js/angular.min.js"></script>  
 <script src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/resources/js/app.js"></script>  
 <!-- Manually bootstrap angularjs application. -->  
 <script type="text/javascript">  
           angular.module('angularjs-App').constant("PORTAL", ${angularPortlet});            
           angular.element(document).ready(function() {  
         angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById("<portlet:namespace/>angularjsApp"), ['angularjs-App']);   

  1. After the normal scaffolding taglibs, define a div to be used as the application container, using the portlet:namespace tag to make it unique;
  2. Add our directive (can be angularJS view or whatever) inside the div;
  3. Set the portlet name as a variable so we can use it in our js;
  4. Create the constants to be used in our angular application. The constants include server-side-rendered URLs to the serverResource and other entry points;
  5. Manually bootstrap the angular application (ng-app doesn't work for more than one portlet on the page).

Create the angular application

Our example project consists of a single input box with a button. You type in what you want to send to the portlet and the result is echoed next to the button.

Disclaimer: for large apps you typically break down your controllers, services, directives etc into separate files; I grouped it for simplicity.

 angular.module('angularjs-App', [])  
  * A simple service that'll call the portlet serveResource with our data.  
  * Note the setting of the Headers and data as parameters: this is required to make sure your data ends up in the resource request getParameter()  
 .factory('callPortletBackend', ['$http', 'PORTAL', function($http, PORTAL) {  
      return {  
            * @param {String} an ID you want to pass to the portlet. This allows the portlet to handle >1 types of requests.  
            * @param {String} the data you want to pass in as a js object.  
            * @param {Object} The callback function once call is completed. The function takes in the result object etc (see angularjs $http).  
           submitToPortlet: function(id, data, handler) {                 
                var objectToSubmit = {id: id, data: data};  
                console.log('calling portlet with data ' + data);  
                     method: 'POST',  
                     url: PORTAL.resourceURL,  
                     headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},  
                     data: $.param({                           
                          'jsondata': JSON.stringify(objectToSubmit)  
  * Simple directive with input text and a button, to submit some stuff to the portlet.  
 .directive('callPortlet', ['callPortletBackend', 'PORTAL', function(callPortletBackend, PORTAL) {  
      return {  
           templateUrl: PORTAL.contextPath + '/resources/html/templates/callportlet.html',  
           restrict: 'E',  
           scope: false,  
           bindToController: true,  
           controllerAs: 'callportletCtrl',  
           controller: function() {  
                var thisCtrl = this;  
                thisCtrl.resultMessage = 'Nothing yet...';  
                thisCtrl.submitToPortlet = function() {  
                     callPortletBackend.submitToPortlet('myData', thisCtrl.dataToSubmit, function(result) {                                                    
                          thisCtrl.resultMessage =;  

  1. Create a service that calls the portlet's serveResource (resourceURL), passing in the data as JSON as a url parameter called 'jsondata'. Note how the PORTAL constant is used to get to the resourceURL.
  2. Create a directive that uses the service to post whatever you typed into the input (the template can be found here)
  3. Note the use of PORTAL.contextPath to load the directive's template from the portlet project serverside.

Deploy and test

That is it! The angular $http service will call the portlet serveResource with some JSON and display the JSON results back to the user. Forgive the styling.

ws-angular-portlet ui


We demonstrated how to create a portlet, running in (at least) Websphere Portal 8.x with an angularjs UI, using the portlet serveResource to make AJAX calls.

If you're running Liferay, please have a look at this project from planetsizebrain.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

My first post: what can I expect from this blog?


Welcome to my new blog and also my first post! My name is Roan Bester, I work for a company called Dynamic Visual Technologies (DVT) doing lots of different software development projects.

I'm starting a blog that looks at coding and software development differently. Differently in the sense that it will include stuff that's hard to find by Googling it, making sense of sometimes hard-to-read Wikis and generally de-mystifying programming.

What you can expect

I've been busy doing projects in IBM Websphere (WAS. Portal), and as many of you know it's hard to find a good post or blog that can help you to get the best out of a licensed product. So, my aim will be to share some tips, tricks and my experiences in this regard, sprinkled with more 'general' programming posts.

Tech you can expect to find here

I do a pretty broad range of development so you can expect some exciting articles!
  1. IBM Websphere Application Server
  2. IBM Websphere Portal 8.x
  3. General Java and JEE (5+)
  4. HTML, CSS
  5. Javascript including AngularJS, NodeJS and more.

What not to expect

There are a lot of very smart people blogging and writing articles on specific topics, for example Java 8 features, that I won't necessarily go into in detail. Same goes for deep AngularJS or deep NodeJS as I'm not a specialist in these areas.

I will, however, be sure to reference the good stuff when needed.

So what's next?

Please bear with me as I write my first 'real' blog entry: Make a JSR 286 Portlet work with AngularJS in WS Portal.

I hope to add value to your life soon!